·   Make it special since 1921   ·

Contact us

We will be happy to assist you in any of your needs or projects with Busquets. The contact form is always the fastest method because we can analyze first what you tell us. Thank you very much for your interest!


TeléfonoTel. (+34) 876 531 030



DirecciónS/Ajedrea 3. Nave 1. Industrial Pole Empresarium. 50.720. Zaragoza. Spain.

Tel. +34 876 531 030
C/ Ajedrea 3. Nave 1. Polígono Industrial Empresarium. 50.720. Zaragoza, Spain
41.5276169, 2.0958663
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Contact reason *
Company and position
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How can we help you? *
 Accept terms.

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The information provided will be added to and be treated in an automated file of Busquets para Coolpack Spain, SL, from now referred to as "Busquets", in order to facilitate the current operation.

The information is for the sole confidential and exclusive use of Busquets, represented in this case by: c/Ajedrea 3. Nave 1. Polígono Industrial Empresarium. 50.720. Zaragoza. España.

We inform about your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limited processing, portability or data opposition by sending a written request to the address previously provided.

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